Dear SBSM Associate Members/Trainees,
The Emerging Leaders Special Interest Group is seeking your feedback to better cater to the needs of Associate Members (e.g., undergraduate students, graduate students, medical students/residents, postdoctoral fellows) in the Society for Biopsychosocial Science and Medicine.
This survey assesses your levels of interest in a number of ideas that we believe may benefit Associate Members. We also ask for your professional (e.g., career stage) and demographic (the usual suspects) information. Please note we are asking for input from Associate Members/trainees on initiatives that have Associate Members/trainees as the target audience in mind. If you’re a non-Associate Member (e.g., Full Member), we’d greatly appreciate your help with sending the survey along to trainees in your lab.
Past Emerging Leaders initiatives include: educational material review for professional education website, academic and non-academic psychosomatic job search panels.
Ongoing Emerging Leaders initiatives are: associate member/early career conference programming/roundtables, and increasing our Twitter presence.
Please complete the survey by Friday, August 19. Here is the survey link:
We are grateful to be serving SBSM Associate Members and trainees, and we look forward to your feedback.
Iris Ka-Yi Chat, MA
Elana Gloger, MS
SBSM Emerging Leaders SIG Co-Chairs