Past News Releases

Better Neighborhood Resources Buffer Children from Damaging Health Effects of Poverty

Contact: Danielle Roubinov, Ph.D. For Release: Immediately There’s a solid link between a family’s socioeconomic status (SES) and children’s health:…

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Higher Blood Pressure Tied To Riskier Health Behaviors and Dampened Emotional Responses

Contact: James McCubbin, Ph.D. For Release: Immediately High blood pressure is no friend to the 1.13 billion adults in the…

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Weight Training Can Boost The Energy of Fatigued Pregnant Women

Contact: Patrick J. O’Connor, Ph.D. For Release: Immediately Evidence shows that miserable fatigue hammers 60% to 90% of pregnant women…

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Smartphones: The Digital Security Blanket For Temporary Relief of “Social Freeze”

Contact: John Hunter, M.A. For Release: Immediately That socially awkward meeting with new colleagues . . . a looming, dreaded…

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Optimism Delivers Surprising Edge For Health and Longevity

Contact: Eric Kim, Ph.D./ Lewina Lee, Ph.D. For Release: March 10, 2019 Are sunny optimists deluded Pollyannas bound to be…

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Strong Relationships in Adulthood May Mean A Longer Life for Abused Kids

Contact: Jessica Chang, Ph.D. For Release: Immediately Building a strong network of supportive friends and family members in adulthood appears…

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Sense of Purpose in Life May Be A Potent Survival Tool for Many HIV Patients

Contact: Gail Ironson, M.D., Ph.D. For Release: Immediately A patient in the middle range of HIV illness who holds a…

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Recession’s Hit To Health Hardest on Least Educated

Contact: Jennifer Morozink Boylan, Ph.D. For Release: Immediately Risk for heart attack and stroke increased much more for adults who…

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Physical Activity May Provide A Surprising Shield Against Stress

Contact: Thomas Kamarck, Ph.D. For Release: Immediately Get moving. Even if it’s only frequent, brief breaks to walk away from…

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Marital Splits May Shorten Life Through Spiral of Discontent, Unhealthy Behavior

Contact: Kyle Bourassa, M.A. For Release: Immediately There’s solid evidence that adults who are divorced die earlier overall than married…

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Body’s Stress Signal Stays High Longer in the Poor

Contact: Felice Le-Scherban, Ph.D. For Release: Immediately Stress happens to us all, but our bodies don’t provide “equal opportunity” defense…

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Too Little Deep, Slow-Wave Sleep Could Lower Your Body’s Shield Against Stress

Contact: Ryan C. Brindle, Ph.D. For Release: Immediately Deep sleep may provide a surprising buffer against the toll that daytime…

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